Business Network Luncheon - 16th June 2016

This time, we’ll look at different business structures: from Sole Trader to Partnership to Company to Trust and SMSF structures so you can implement your business dreams! May will walk you through the different strategies to meet your needs. The talk will go for 10-15 minutes, with the rest of the meeting time allocated for networking and getting to know each other.

We’ve invited people from various industries and backgrounds, including but not limited to business agents, real estate agents, media advertisers, business owners, immigration agents, academics, bankers, HR recruiters, lawyers, financial planners, health experts, management consultants. Hopefully, we will be seeing you there!

Venue: 141 Osborne Street, South Yarra

Time: 12pm – 2pm Thursday 16th June

A catering light lunch will be provided, please let us know of any vegetarian requirements.


Business Network Luncheon- 17th November 2016


Upcoming Business Network Luncheon - February 2016